Unique Student Identifier

Unique Student Identifier

From the 1st January 2015, it is a regulatory requirement that every person undertaking a nationally accredited course at any RTO must secure a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Gippsland Institute of Technology collects Unique Student Identifier (USI) data from each enrolled student to ensure compliance with this requirement.

What is USI?

A USI is a reference number that gives students access to their USI account. Each student gets different USI number. It will allow students to see all their training results, all completed training units and qualifications from all providers. The USI portal will make it easy for students to find all their vocational training activities and nationally recognised training records in a single and safe place.

When do I need to provide my USI?

Students are requested to provide their USI on enrolment. Students may instruct Gippsland Institute of Technology to collect the USI on their behalf by completing the relevant section on the enrolment form. Students may source a USI from the following website www.usi.gov.au if they do not already have one at enrolment. Instructions on this website are to be followed. Evidence of identification will be requested during this process. Please contact GIT staff for more information if required to apply for USI.